All sorts of jazz, free jazz and improv. Never for money, always for love.
Jean-Luc Cappozzo, trumpet, horns, objects
Géraldine Keller, voice, flutes, objects
1. Ouvrir les intermédaires
2. Autour, tout autour
3. Sur la balançoire
4. Les souffles du temps
5. Volutes et spirales
6. Le chinois à bicyclette
7. Air Prints
Total time: 52:16
Recorded at Carré Bleu, Poitiers, France
on December 6, 7 & 9, 2011.
Cover photo by Franpi Barriaux.
1 CD Digisleeve.
Who is blowing? Through what organic or manufactured matter? Who can stir up the glowing embers, swell the sails, carve the glass? Who can tame the air?
Tamers of gusts, surfers of atmospheric waves, explorers of windswept labyrinths, Géraldine Keller and Jean-Luc Cappozzo have over the last ten years devised a unique taming act, whereby they subject the ether to their every whim.
This album tells so much more than the intertwined stories of a windchaser who played jazz until he forgot the very notion of idiom, and a soprano with a background in contemporary music who readily immersed herself in the deep end of the moment.
On the red-hot thread of this friendship (or this love, call it what you want!) the duo whose stubborn search you are about to witness are like tightrope walkers without a safety net over a den whose lions, pacified, keep quiet…
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